Shared ownership
We would like to engage with the local community to establish if there would be interest in shared ownership of the development. This would be an opportunity for the local community to acquire up to a 10% stake in the project.
Community Benefit Fund
In addition to the shared ownership opportunity, should the proposed development be constructed, a Community Benefit Fund would be available. This is offered based on a payment per MW of installed capacity at the Scottish Government’s recommended rate at the time of commissioning the proposed wind farm. At present, the recommended rate is £5,000 equivalent per MW. At this rate, the community benefit fund would equate to an annual payment of £528,000. Over the lifetime of the project, this would equate to over £18.5 million.
We want to work closely with the communities surrounding Breakish Wind Farm to ensure that the community benefit can address identified local challenges and bring substantial benefit to the area. These might include issues relating to affordable housing, energy consumption & affordability, in addition to recreation, tourism and ecology, education, and supporting local entrepreneurship.
Benefits to local businesses
It is estimated that the construction period for this project will be two years, and the supply chain requirements will have huge economic potential for a wide range of local businesses, including accommodation providers, local contractors, and suppliers of goods and services.
We want to hear your views on how the wind farm can support your community and meet local aspirations. You can do this by either filling in a feedback form or contacting us.